What is a Laravel developer

I often see job postings where they are specifically asking for a Laravel developer.

This doesn’t only apply to Laravel. You can replace the word Laravel with other PHP frameworks…I’ve just used that for this example. 

These kind of posts make me wonder what they would take into consideration of they were interviewing the following two developers 

Developer A

3 years PHP experience, all Laravel

Basic object oriented PHP skills and knowledge

Developer B

7 years PHP experience, other framework experience but no Laravel

Strong object oriented PHP skills and knowledge

For me that would be a no-brainer. An experienced PHP developer with strong OOP skills can learn a new framework and their work would be of better quality than another developer with less experience and only basic programming skills.

Learning the PHP language and object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts can provide a deeper understanding of how web development works, and how to effectively build and maintain a web application. This knowledge can be applied not only to working with a specific framework like Laravel, but also to other frameworks or even building your own custom solutions. 

While learning a specific framework like Laravel can be useful for quickly building web applications, it's important to have a solid understanding of the underlying language and concepts to be a well-rounded developer.

It’s not up to me to tell other companies how they should recruit, but I really think they’d be making life easier for themselves in the long run by hiring the best PHP developer rather than one with more experience with a particular tool or framework.

There are also a lot of companies that send out technical tests that require you to use a particular framework. Again, I don’t think this is a good test because it becomes more of a test of how well you know a framework rather than a real test of your skills and ability.

Personally, I’ve used Symfony, Laravel, and Yii professionally. I’ve also dabbled with other PHP and non-PHP frameworks. I’m comfortable working with any of these because I’ve taken the time to learn the patterns and principles that they employ. I understand what they do in order to receive a HTTP request and send back a correct HTTP response.

If understanding how frameworks work is something that interests you AND you’d like your skills and knowledge in this area to make you stand out from a large crowd of developers that only half understand how they work, then look out for my next blog which will contain news about something that will defo be of interest to you ;)

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