What are you learning today?

 I learn something new every day.

I have done almost every day for as long as I can remember. It’s now just a habit and something which I prioritize over my daily work. You might be surprised by that but I’ve programmed myself to think about the long game. 

In five years time, nobody is going to know or care about me completing a user story inside a sprint in 2023. But it will be noticeable if I’ve studied my craft and improved my skills every day for the last 5 years.

I regularly ask junior developers and testers ‘what are you going to learn today?’ and they often tell me how busy they are and that they won’t have the time. They do have the time, they just don’t prioritize it. Again, in five years time, no one will remember or care that they finished a ticket on time.

Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not advocating that you neglect your work. I’m simply encouraging you to ask yourself how much do you prioritize study. 

Some people go through phases where they study every day for a while and then not at all for a while. I guess it’s better than nothing but a consistent, habitual approach would serve them better. Even if it’s just 30 mins a day. Numerous studies by academic bodies have confirmed this. 

This week, I’ve cheated a little and asked ChatGPT to list some of the benefits of learning every day. Here’s what it came up with.

  1. Improves Cognitive Function: Learning keeps our minds active and engaged, which helps to improve cognitive function and prevent age-related declines in mental ability.

  2. Enhances Career Opportunities: In many industries, the demand for skills is constantly changing. Keeping up with these changes through ongoing learning can increase your chances of success and advancement in your career.

  3. Increases Confidence and Self-Esteem: When you learn something new, you gain a sense of accomplishment and boost your self-esteem. This increased confidence can translate into all areas of life, making you more self-assured and effective in your personal and professional endeavors.

  4. Keeps You Relevant: In today's fast-paced world, it's crucial to stay relevant and informed. Learning keeps you up-to-date with the latest developments in your field, allowing you to remain competitive and in-demand.

  5. Expands Your Horizons: Learning exposes you to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences, which can broaden your horizons and deepen your understanding of the world around you.

  6. Promotes Personal Growth: Learning is a never-ending process that leads to personal growth and development. It helps you to uncover new interests and passions, and it provides the opportunity for self-discovery.

I’d agree with all of these and find points 2 and 4 especially relevant to our fast-paced industry. Look at how quickly / often programming languages, frameworks, and tools change and update. Web development looks almost unrecognizable to what it did only a decade ago!

I see so many people on social media who have managed to get themselves out of a job and a life that they hated and into doing something that they enjoy for a living simply by studying every day. I totally identify with them because I am one of them!

What about you? Do you prioritize study and how do you fit it in with your life and work?


I’ve now compiled the first two sections of PHP Framework Pro into a 70 minute preview. I’ll upload it to YouTube in the coming days and send you the link. I’ve also added some more details and samples to the course landing page. Check it out here. Hope you’re excited!

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